We get dressed
Go out at night
Looking for
The latest fright
Black trench coats
-Filled to the brim
With Poison candy
Covered in sin
-Big black boots
Enter the gates
Into the graveyard
Where death awaits
The ground sinks in
Beneath our feet
We look back to
The long-lost street
The night runs cold
-Follow the path
To kicked-in tombstones
(drenched in the dark)
Hold out the candle
-Hold it out bright
Don’t let the darkness
Encompass the light
We reach the bones
-A crossing bend
Written in stone
‘A ghastly friend’
Our dim-lit shine
-It muffles out
We’ve passed our time
Our time passed out
It’s too late now
(To) turn back and go
We’ve lost our hope
We’ve lost our glow
We say our prayers
And bow our head
We lay a curse
And raise the dead.